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+86-(0)510-8743 8627
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Success Formula Your current location: Home > Company > Success Formula
Our success formula for a targeted and rapid realisation of our customers’ requirements:

Technical Consultation
Definition of technological requirements and load specifications through a direct dialogue with experienced engineering consultants.

Constructive Concept
Prompt exchange of design data involving technical parameters, model heat flow calculations, optimal choice of material and the most cost-effective process.

Validated Production
High-end production lines for repetitively accurate production cycles and precision manufacture, reproducible product quality, documented process cycle, embedded QA structure.

East Tongshu Road, Dingshu Town, Yixing City, 214221 Jiangsu P.R. China

Tel: +86-(0)510-8743 8627

Fax: +86-(0)510-8743 8628
